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Rachel Evans
How we can save the NHS this Christmas

How we can save the NHS this Christmas

NHS has been the saviour for millions of us throughout this year, risking their lives and saving ours. Coming towards Christmas we all would’ve hoped that this would have been the season for everyone to sit back, relax and enjoy themselves – however, through recent stats, news and after another lockdown it seems that this couldn’t be further from the truth. We can or have all tried to give back to the NHS by donating money or food, clapping every Thursday or volunteering to deliver medication. Therefore, the other way we can try and save the NHS from being completely over-run over Christmas is by sticking to some simple rules as and when lockdown finishes.

#1 Wash your hands Such a simple thing to remember, but often very overlooked (to our dismay!). Do you love birthdays? Great.. so, next time you’re washing your hands sing the ‘Happy Birthday’ song in your end and once it comes to an end you may dry your hands. If you are out and about then get yourself some hand sanitiser, cheaper ones can be found in pound shops. This is a very quick and efficient way of staying on top of your hygiene when you are travelling and do not have a sink nearby. Below we have also provided a link for you to see the recommended way to wash your hands – recommended by the NHS themselves. https://bit.ly/3fE7Xri

#2 Wear your mask Masks are mandatory pretty much everywhere you go now and most places will not let you enter unless you have one (excluding exempt individuals). The reasoning behind the masks is to prevent the spread of the virus through droplets or particles from the nose and mouth.

#3 Keep your distance Just like the Government’s campaign states, ‘Hands. Face. Space.’ Whether you are in a supermarket or on a walk, try and keep your distance from those around you – this is to protect them, and more importantly, you!

#4 Look after yourself It has been shown that even fit and healthy individuals have caught the virus, sometimes severely too, but this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t look after yourself just because of this statement. Experts at the Centre for Perioperative Care (CPOC) have reported that those who follow a healthier lifestyle, such as exercise and a healthy diet, are less likely to catch the virus and end up with it severely. It has been recommended that exercise such as a brisk walk, cycle or jog, as well as conscious healthier eating, reduction on drinking alcohol & smoking and a good night’s sleep will all really help towards this. Another great way to make sure your body is getting enough goodness is by taking vitamins, especially Vitamin C which boosts immunity!

#5 Self isolate If you don’t feel right then isolate and prevent yourself from being around anyone else as they may catch whatever illness you may have. If you have any symptoms such as:

  • High temperature
  • Fatigue
  • Dry cough
  • Loss of sense of smell and taste
  • Muscle pain

Then make sure to get a test to double-check it is or isn’t COVID-19.

If you want to find out anymore information or aren’t sure how to proceed then please click here for more information from the Government and NHS’s website: https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/

Let’s fight this together and save the NHS as much as we can!

Stay safe and take care.